7.4 Conciliation conference

7.4.1 At conciliation | 7.4.2 Ministerial guidelines - conduct at conciliation | 7.4.3 Conciliation outcome | 7.4.4 After conciliation | 7.4.5 Disputes referred to court

Parties participate in the conciliation conference in person or by phone.

Conciliation officer

The role of a conciliation officer is to help the parties to resolve a dispute. This is by asking questions designed to help exchange information, develop and examine options for resolution and reach and record an outcome.

Role of the Agent

Agent representatives attending conciliation conferences must have:

  • the appropriate experience and knowledge and be fully equipped to deal with the conciliation process
  • the authority to resolve the dispute at conciliation and the willingness to do so
  • a thorough knowledge of the file and be willing and able to discuss issues in dispute in a meaningful and constructive way.

All relevant documentation must be taken to conciliation.

Subject matter experts should be encouraged to attend where appropriate.

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